Contact Us


Please feel free to contact us with any questions about our products. Our goal is to provide our customers with excellent customer support and to respond to your inquiries as quickly as possible. 

Talk to us

Phone: (626) 289-8288 


Please select the email address that best matches your inquiry. Our Customer Care Team will make every effort to respond to your email as quickly as possible.  


Customer Service

If you are inquiring about online orders, product availability, or basically anything, please contact our Customer Care Team. We welcome all feedback and comments about our company. We appreciate all input and anxiously await your thoughts!


Distributor/Reseller Inquiries

Pangaea is open to distributor/reseller inquiries. Please send us an email with the details of your company. We look forward to working with you.

1139 Westminster Ave, Suite K
Alhambra, CA 91803
Office hours: Monday-Friday 9AM - 4PM